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Fire Drill Session



Fire Drill Session

date_range Feb 12, 2020 person CISP

CISP, arranged a Fire Drill session for students and staff of the school. Since the security of our students is of utmost priority, we at CISP believe in training and educating them to face any unwanted emergency that may arise and prove fatal if not handled well and in time.

Students from grade 6-8 were engaged in this activity, which was conducted under the expert supervision of Ex. Sub  Chaman Lal. He demonstrated the use of a fire extinguisher to put out a fire during emergency breakouts. Hands-on experience of using a fire extinguisher was given to students, staff and support staff who had volunteered for the same. They even got to understand ways that can help handle people in panic and the importance of the presence of mind during such situations.

The session proved fruitful as each present benefitted with the information and practical procedures demonstrated to ensure safety and security while being at home. School or even a public setup. Each one will now be able to act better and help people get out of such scenarios with minimum physical or mental impact.

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